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About Me

I am Karanvir Sidhu and I am a game designer and level artist. I have been playing video games from a very young age and always aspired to become a game designer. 

I went to high school at Castlebrooke Secondary School where I was awarded the Information Communications Technology award out of my entire graduating class. I have always been passionate about putting my artistry and my tech experience together to create creative work.

I have graduated with a degree in Game Design at Sheridan College. In the past 4 years, I have worked on quite a few different projects and some of which will be displayed on my Portfolio page.

I really enjoy working in groups and creative problem solving. I am actually doing a certificate in creative problem solving in my college as well. I also worked at Sephora as a skincare consultant and working in retail has given me a wide range of social and communication skills that are transferable to a studio environment.

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