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Capture Lab - Optitrack

Capture Lab is a virtual space made using Unreal Engine, Motive (for motion capture) and Optitrack cameras in a 20 feet by 20 feet mobcap volume at Screen Industry Research Training Centre.

Justin, Allison and I worked closely with Virtual Production Lead Spencer Idenouye to create this immersive Virtual Reality experience that showcased SIRT Centre's projects.

I was tasked with designing and lighting the 20x20 volume within Unreal.

Above is a video showcasing a fly through of the finished level, as well as the behind the scenes of Capture Lab being created.


Before lighting

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 1.42.10 am.png
Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 1.43.47 am.png

After lighting

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 1.42.35 am.png
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